Our Collection

  1. Total No. of Books : 76024
  2. Total No of Text Books : 57590
  3. Total No of Reference Books : 18434
  4. Total No of Ph. D. Thesis : 136
  5. Total No. of Journals : 130
  6. Total No. of Newspapers : 47
  7. Total No of Periodical Bound Vols. : 483
  8. Total No. of CD/DVD's : 442

E-Resources (Subscribed/Consortia)

  2. a) E-Journals : 6000+

American Institute of Physics (18 titles)


Annual Reviews (33 titles)


Cambridge University Press (224 titles)


Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) (1 titles)


Indian Journals (180+ titles)


Institute of Physics (46 titles)


JSTOR (2500+ titles)


Oxford University Press (206 titles)


Royal Society of Chemistry (29 titles)


H. W. Wilson (3000+ titles)


b) E-Books : 3000000+

Cambridge Books Online (1800 titles)      http://ebooks.cambridge.org

E-brary (125000+ titles)                         http://site.ebrary.com/lib/inflibnet

EBSCoHost-Net Library (936 titles)         http://search.ebscohost.com

Hindustan Book Agency (65+ titles)        http://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary

Institute of South East Asian Studies(ISEAS) Books (382+ titles)http://portal.igpublish.com/iglibrary

Oxford Scholarship (1402+ titles)            http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/

Springer eBooks (2300 titles)                 http://link.springer.com.

Sage Publication eBooks (1000 titles)      http://knowledge.sagepub.com.

Taylor Francis eBooks (1800 titles)         http://www.tandfebooks.com.

Myilibrary-McGraw Hill (1124 titles)         http://lib.myilibrary.com/


  2. a)    Union Catalogue of Books DELNET maintains an online union catalogue of books available in its member-libraries. This union catalogue is continuously updated and is growing in size. The information can be retrieved by author, title, subject, conference, series, etc. It has 2,28,45,202 bibliographic records. The request for inter-library loan can be placed through the online system.
  3. b)   Union List of Current  Periodicals DELNET has created union lists of current periodicals in science and technology, social sciences and humanities. This database is available online to DELNET users. It now lists 37,847 periodicals and is regularly updated and new titles are added annually. It is a major resource for Document Delivery Services.
  4. c)   Union  Catalogue  of Periodicals DELNET maintains a union catalogue of periodicals, which contains full holdings data of the libraries. At present, the database contains   20,235 records.
  5. d)   Database  of Periodical Articles The database has details of articles which can be searched under the title, author, compiler, name of the periodical and subject. The database is being extensively utilised by the researchers and scholars. At present the database contains  9,22,042 records.
  6. e)   CD-ROM  Database A bibliographic database of CD-ROMs available with the member-libraries is being compiled. It has 22,234 records.
  7. f)    Union List of Video Recordings This is a database of video cassettes available in DELNET member-libraries and has about 6,000 listings.
  8. g)   Union List of Sound Recordings This union list consists of audio cassette records available in member-libraries. This database has 1,025 records.
  9. h)    Database of Theses and Dissertations A database of Theses and Dissertations submitted to Indian Universities has been started, which covers various subjects. The database has 81,074 records.
  10. i)   Union List of Newspapers The database has 70 records and contains information about the newspapers including title, name of the editor, published from, E-mail address and also the Web address of the INTERNET edition if available on the WWW.
  11. j)     Database of E-books It has nearly 1613 records.
  12. k) Profile of Member-Libraries A directory of member-libraries is available and contains information about them.

Other Database

  1. DACANET (Soft Copies of e-books available to the students, teachers and researchers free of cost.
  2. KANIBUS (13000 full text journals millions of e-books )

Important Links for Students

Courseware -Online resources

  1. NPTEL
  2. MIT

Entry in Services

  1. MPSC (Maharashtra Public Service Commission)
  2. UPSC (Union Public Service Commission)
  3. CSIR (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
  4. UGC (University Grant Commission)
  5. NET (National Eligibility Test)
  6. SET ( State Eligibility Test)

Other Links

  1. Career Development
  2. Google Scholar
  3. e-PG Pathashala
  4. NISCAIR (Online Periodical Repository)
  5. Doaj
  6. Infolibrarian.com
  7. Elsaviers Science Direct
  8. Emerala Full Text
  9. EBSCO Databases
  10. IEEE
  11. IEE
  12. j-GATE
  13. J-stor
  14. Scopus
  15. Web of science
  16. indiapaternts.org.in
  17. scifinder & CA 
  18. OJASE (Open Acess Journals)
  19. Latest Govt. Jobs.
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